Fourteen months ago we learned about the COVID-19 virus in the United States and Canada. Worldwide, there have been over 150 million cases, with over three million deaths. In the United States, 53% have had at least one dose, and 44% have had two.

This survey attempts to gather statistically valid information, from everyone, to begin to answer questions such as…

  • Who has gotten COVID-19? What symptoms did they encounter?
  • Did they have pre-existing conditions?
  • What treatment measures were used?
  • Have people tried preventative measures to avoid infection?
  • Among people who have taken a COVID-19 vaccine injection, were there any side effects?
  • For those who did NOT get the vaccine, have they experienced any unusual medical symptoms recently?

We want as many people as possible to respond, not just those who have had injection side effects, or have contracted COVID-19 – everyone.

If you have close relatives who are unable to complete the survey, you can complete it for them separately, but please don’t just single out relatives who have had COVID-19 or vaccine side effects.

All personal data will be kept 100% private. Read our privacy policy here. Each response will be given a unique identifier so we can track each study subject, but all personal information, including name, address, phone number and email address, will never be shared with anyone.

Note: This is a comprehensive survey. If you’ve had no issues with COVID you can complete it in under 3 minutes, but more complicated cases may take 8-10 minutes to complete. Consider this your contribution to the cause of finding real answers to the COVID-19 puzzle that effects everyone across the world.

If you tried to take the survey and had problems or questions, please let us know us here.

If you would like to be notified of study results, we will provide you with a link at the end of the survey.

If you would like to join our anonymous roster of doctors, scientists, and concerned citizens, please go here.


Please take a moment to share this survey with everyone you can, regardless of their beliefs about COVID or politics. The more respondents, the more accurate the results.

For example, if you are a physician, consider sharing this survey with your patients, mention it in an email or on your website.

If you are on social media, consider sharing this survey with your contacts.

Remember, we want ALL people, not just those with COVID experiences or biases for or against any particular views.

Spread the word. Share this post!

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